June 13, 2015 |
Audio, Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
Between moth and reality, there's often an itchy region created from scratch...
April 14, 2015 |
Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
En avril, Phaune Radio poursuit sa course épique aux sons qui galopent, et arrive comme toujours, de trot, comme un cheval sur la soupe...
March 13, 2015 |
Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
Folded light in feathers, Phaune Radio wings it over the branches of the night and stays bound to smash out the daybreak owl by itself. Sharp feathers, airborne scream, capital...
February 13, 2015 |
Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
Introduction to complex thinking: all bears are mortal, I am mortal, so I’m a bear. At a slow breath rate, measure of her remaining time, Phaune Radio curls and let her go...
January 13, 2015 |
Audio, Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
Brushing off all those thought scissors that make the fur fly and pull hair out, Phaune Radio shakes its mane and invites you to dance around the pole.
(Thank you for shearing)...
December 13, 2014 |
Audio, Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
While it's time to feast for some, Phaune Radio invites the uncanny and dazzling Lalchand Bhagwandas, grandmaster of the Cook Cook cartel and prophet of feathered mixes, to lay a...
October 13, 2014 |
Audio, Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
As an expert in jumping off the cock to the jackass, Phaune Radio invites Félix Blume, sound seeker and sense finder, to ruffle, a bit, the most restive long-eared quadruped....
September 13, 2014 |
Audio, Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
Apparences trompeuses et espoirs clandestins, Phaune Radio fond le paysage et démasque quelques professionnels du secret-défense, parfaitement en phasme avec leur environnement...
June 13, 2014 |
Audio, Ecoutes, Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
Ce soir, nous regardons la réalité en face des trous.
Ce soir, nous partons à la rencontre des champions de la survie et de la persistance : les rats...
May 13, 2014 |
Audio, Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
Phaune Radio tente le double tour de force de retourner les cartes de l’ancien royaume de Siam, en mêlant paysages sonores et épices musicales, couleurs du passé et...
April 15, 2014 |
Audio, Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
En avril, Phaune Radio continue sans fil et coupe les poils en 4. Meow, ksss, Sshhh, Lap-lap, Cataclop cataclop, Hiiii, Ouaf, Aou, Ahouahou, Wuf wuf, Slurp, Grrr...
December 13, 2013 |
Audio, Radio |
Floriane Pochon |
Hibernation, hivernation, rêve du froid...
Pour ce quatrième épisode polyphaunesque, Phaune Radio vous berce dans un bain de sommeil hivernal et un peu paradoxal...